Relinde Jurrius
About me
About me
Currently I work as Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Operations Research at the Netherlands Defence Academy. Its Faculty of Military Sciences provides the scientific education for officers-to-be and does research in corresponding relevant areas.
Before I was maître-assistant at the University of Neuchâtel and postdoc at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I did my PhD at the Eindhoven University of Technology.
My research interests are in combinatorics and discrete mathematics. Specifically, I study q-analogues and relations between various combinatorial objects such as matroids, graphs, (network) codes, and finite geometry. Furthermore, I study applications of operations research and machine learning to the military domain.
Visiting address
Kon. Instituut voor de Marine
Enys House, kamer E 2.061
Het Nieuwe Diep 8
1781 AC Den Helder
The Netherlands
Post address
It's complicated. Please send me an e-mail.
rpmj . jurrius @ mindef . nl
Journal papers
Ceria, M. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2024).
The direct sum of q-matroids. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 59, 291-330.
Ceria, M. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2024).
Alternatives for the q-matroid axioms of independent spaces, bases, and spanning spaces. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 153, 102632.
Byrne, E. & Ceria, M. & Ionica, S. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2024).
Weighted Subspace Designs from q-polymatroids. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 201, 105799.
Freij-Hollanti, R. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Kuznetsova, O. (2023).
Combinatorial Derived Matroids. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 30(2), P2.8.
Byrne, E. & Ceria, M. & Ionica, S. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Saçikara, E. (2023).
Constructions of new matroids and designs over GF(q). Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 91, 451-473.
Byrne, E. & Ceria, M. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2022).
Constructions of New q-Cryptomorphisms. Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 153, 149-194.
Gorla, E. & López, H.H. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Ravagnani, A. (2019). Rank-Metric Codes and q-Polymatroids. Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics, 52, 1-19.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2018). Defining the q-analogue of a matroid. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, 25(3), P3.2.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2017). On defining generalized rank weights. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 11(1), 225-235.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2015). The extended coset leader and list weight enumerator. Contemporary Mathematics, 632, 229-251.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2012). Relations between Möbius and coboundary polynomials. Mathematics in Computer Science, 6(2), 109-120.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2012). Truncation formulas for invariant polynomials of matroids and geometric lattices. Mathematics in Computer Science, 6(2), 121-133.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2012). Weight enumeration of codes from finite spaces. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 63(3), 321-330.
Blom, A. & Verhoeff, I. & Van Alebeek, L. & Jurrius, R. (2020). Van hagelslag tot vlinderslag: toepassingen van de wiskunde. Vierkant voor Wiskunde.
Pellikaan, R. & Wu, X.W. & Bulygin, S. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2017). Codes, Cryptology and Curves with Computer Algebra. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Book chapters
van Ee, M. & Janssen, R.H.P. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Melissen, J.B.M. & Monsuur, H. & van Oers, A.M. (2024).
Prevention and Detection of Adversarial Threats to Vital Infrastructure at Sea: An Operational Analysis Approach.
In: Frerks, G. & Geertsma, R. & Klomp, J. & Middendorp, T. (Eds.),
Climate Security and the Military, (pp. 253-267).
Leiden: Leiden University Press.
Vriend, A.C. & Tiddens, W.W. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2023).
Federated Learning for enabling cooperation between the Royal Netherlands Navy and external parties in developing predictive maintenance.
In: Pijpers, P.B.M.J. & Voskuijl, M. & Beeres, R.J.M. (Eds.),
Towards a data-driven military, (pp. 97-120).
Leiden: Leiden University Press.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2013).
Codes, arrangements and matroids. In: Martínez-Moro, E. (Ed.),
Algebraic geometry modeling in information theory, (pp. 219-325).
London: World Scientific.
Preprints (submitted for review)
Alfarano, G.N. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Neri, A. & Zullo, F. (2024).
Representability of the direct sum of uniform q-matroids. Submitted.
Badenbroek, R. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Verlinde, L.K.M. (2024).
Optimal routing and communication strategies for autonomous reconnaissance missions. Submitted.
Ceria, M. & Johnsen, T. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2024).
A q-analogue of Δ-matroids and related concepts. Submitted.
Conference proceedings
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2015). On defining generalized rank weights. Proceedings 21th Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (Kalamata, Greece, July 20-23, 2015), (pp. 297-301).
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2015). The extended and generalized rank weight enumerator of a code. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra, 49(1), (pp. 21-21)
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2009). The extended coset leader
weight enumerator. Proceedings 30th Symposium on Information Theory
in the Benelux (Eindhoven, The Netherlands, May 28-29, 2009), (pp. 217-224).
Eindhoven: Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Pellikaan, R. (2009). Extended and generalized
weight enumerators. International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography
(WCC 2009, Ullensvang, Norway, May 10-15, 2009. Proceedings), (pp. 76-91).
Bergen: Selmer Center, University of Bergen.
Freij-Hollanti, R. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2024). The combinatorial derived matroid. Matroid Union.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2020). The q-analogue of a matroid. Matroid Union.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Scherer, J.-S. (2020). How HLF changed my life: Relinde Jurirus. Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
Bollen, G. & Crapo, H. & Jurrius, R.P.M.J. The Tutte q-polynomial. Eternal preprint, due to the passing of Henry Crapo.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. & Lugger, B. (2014). 6 out of 200: Codewords for a better communication. Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2012). Codes, arrangements, matroids, and their polynomial links. PhD thesis. Eindhoven University of Technology.
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2008). Classifying polynomials of linear codes. Master thesis. Leiden University. pdf
Jurrius, R.P.M.J. (2005). Algebraïsche topologie en de fixpuntstelling van Lefshetz. Bachelor thesis (in Dutch). Leiden University. pdf
Talks and presentations
June 5, 2024. - A q-analogue of Δ-matroids.
Combinatorics 2024.
Carovigno, Italy.
July 13, 2023. - Introduction to q-matroids and related structures.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
May 12, 2023. - Combinatorial derived matroids.
Combinatorial Optimization Seminar, Eindhoven University of Technology.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
April 14, 2023. - Verklaring van Onafhankelijkheid: de wiskunde van Fieldsmedaillewinnaar June Huh.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
February 16, 2023. - The combinatorial derived matroid.
Graphs & Matroids Seminar.
[Click to show/hide earlier talks and presentations]
September 1, 2022. - The direct sum of q-matroids.
Finite geometries.
Irsee, Germany.
August 17, 2022. - Constructions of new matroids and designs over GF(q).
Applications of Computer Algebra.
Istanbul, Turkey.
August 16, 2022. - An alternatieve to the q-matroid axioms (I3) and (I4).
Applications of Computer Algebra.
Istanbul, Turkey.
May 13, 2022. - q-Analogues in Combinatorics.
Axioma Student Symposium.
Groningen, The Netherlands.
Invited talk.
April 8, 2022. - Coderingstheorie: meer nullen en enen voor een betere digitale communicatie.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
November 2, 2021. - The direct sum of q-matroids.
Graphs & Matroids Seminar.
September 21, 2021. - q-Analogues in codes and related combinatorics.
Cryptography and Coding Theory: First Annual Conference.
Online. Invited speaker.
July 15, 2021. - Constructions of new matroids and designs over GF(q).
Combinatorial Designs and Codes.
December 14, 2020. - What is the q-analogue of a graph?
Matroid Union seminar, open problem session.
September 3, 2020. - Designs, matroids, and their q-analogues.
Women in Combinatorics Virtual Colloquium.
June 8, 2020. - q-Analogues in combinatorics.
Matroid Union seminar.
February 1, 2020. - Coderingstheorie: meer nullen en enen voor een betere digitale communicatie.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
October 2, 2019. - Coderingstheorie: meer enen en nullen voor een betere digitale communicatie.
Fontys Wiskunde Event.
Tilburg, The Netherlands.
Invited talk.
May 7, 2019. - Symmetrieën (mee)tellen.
Lunchcolloquium, The Netherlands Defence Academy.
Den Helder, The Netherlands.
April 23, 2019. - Counting out symmetries.
National Mathematics Symposium.
Nijmegen, The Netherlands.
Invited talk.
April 7, 2019. - Codes, matroids, and their q-analogues.
Codes, Cryptology and Curves: Celebrating the influence of R. Pellikaan.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
February 2, 2019. - Coderingstheorie: meer nullen en enen voor een betere digitale communicatie.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
July 9, 2018. - The q-analogue of a matroid.
Moutons Matheux.
La Vacquerie, France. Invited talk.
June 5, 2018. - Rank-metric codes and q-polymatroids.
Combinatorics 2018.
Arco, Trento, Italy.
February 22, 2018. - Coding theory and related combinatorics
PhD Seminar Mathematics.
Ghent, Belgium. Invited talk.
November 3, 2017. - The q-analogue of matroids and their Tutte polynomial.
InterCity seminar.
Bern, Switzerland.
September 19, 2017. - Foutverbeterende codes en hun hedendaagse toepassingen.
Lunchcolloquium, The Netherlands Defence Academy.
Den Helder, The Netherlands. Invited talk.
September 15, 2017. - A q-analogue of perfect matroid designs.
Finite geometries.
Irsee, Germany.
July 20, 2017. - The q-analogue of a matroid.
Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids.
Waterloo, Canada.
June 8, 2017. - A q-analogue of perfect matroid designs.
13th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications.
Gaeta, Italy.
January 31 & February 7, 2017. - Codes, matroids, their links & q-analogues I & II.
Seminar in algebra and geometry.
Sapporo, Japan. Invited talks.
December 21, 2016. - Application of hyperplane arrangements to error-correcting codes.
Mathematical methods and practice in cryptography, security and big data.
Sapporo, Japan. Invited talk.
December 20, 2016. - An introduction to error-correcting codes and some current-day applications.
Mathematical methods and practice in cryptography, security and big data.
Sapporo, Japan. Invited talk.
November 23, 2016. - Application of hyperplane arrangements to error-correcting codes.
Seminar in coding theory and cryptography.
Neuchâtel and Zurich, Switzerland.
July 29, 2016. - Defining the q-analogue of a matroid.
International Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
May 30, 2016. - A combinatorial view on derived lattices.
Combinatorics 2016.
Maratea, Italy.
April 5, 2016. - Defining the q-analogue of a matroid.
Network Coding and Designs.
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
February 10, 2016. - Defining the q-analogue of a matroid.
ANTA seminar, Aalto University.
Helsinki, Finland. Invited talk.
November 28, 2015. - On defining generalized rank weights.
Seminar in coding theory and cryptography.
Neuchâtel and Zurich, Switzerland.
August 3, 2015. - The extended rank weight enumerator.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry.
Daejeon, South-Korea.
May 26, 2015. - Application of hyperplane arrangements to weight enumeration.
Lonza seminar, University of Fribourg.
Fribourg, Switzerland.
Invited talk.
May 5, 2015. - Designs, codes, matroids, and their q-analogues.
Colloquium of the Institut des Mathématiques.
Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
March 25, 2015. - Introduction to matroid theory.
Let's Matroid! CUSO doctoral school.
Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
March 20, 2015. - The dual q-matroid and the q-analogue of a complement.
Bad Staffelstein, Germany.
January 27, 2015. - The extended and generalized weight enumerator.
Mathematics of communications: sequences, codes and designs.
Banff, Canada.
September 22, 2014. - Error-correction in digital communication: coding theory and network coding.
2nd Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
Heidelberg, Germany.
September 16, 2014 - A combinatorial view on derived codes.
Finite geometries.
Irsee, Germany.
June 17, 2014 - Generalized rank weights.
Algebra, codes and networks.
Bordeaux, France.
June 2, 2014 - Deletion and contraction in q-matroids.
Combinatorics 2014.
Gaeta, Italy.
January 15, 2014 - Application of hyperplane arrangements to weight enumeration.
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Special session on Hyperplane arrangements and applications.
Baltimore, USA.
October 4, 2013 - The (extended) rank weight enumerator and q-matroids.
Academy Contact Forum "Coding Theory and Cryptography V".
Brussels, Belgium. Invited talk.
September 20, 2013 - The (extended) rank weight enumerator and q-matroids.
Conference on Random network codes and Designs over GF(q).
Ghent, Belgium.
July 24, 2013 - The coset leader and list weight enumerator.
11th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications.
Magdeburg, Germany.
May 14, 2013 - Determining polynomial invariants of codes from a finite geometry point of view.
Algebra and Combinatorics seminar.
Brussels, Belgium.
May 4, 2012 - Relations between invariant polynomials.
3rd Colloquium on Galois Geometry.
Ghent, Belgium. Invited talk.
December 21, 2011 - Weight enumeration of codes from finite spaces.
Eindhoven seminar combinatorial theory.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
July 15, 2011 - Weight enumeration of codes from finite spaces.
10th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications.
Ghent, Belgium.
June 24, 2011 - Weight enumeration of codes from finite spaces.
Finite Geometries, Third Irsee Conference.
Irsee, Germany.
June 3, 2011 - Truncation formulas for invariant polynomials of matroids and geometric lattices.
Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference.
Victoria, Canada.
December 17, 2010 - Geometric structure of the simplex code.
Seminar of the Incidence Geometry group.
Ghent, Belgium. Invited talk.
July 12, 2010 - The extended coset leader weight enumerator.
Soria Summer School on Computational Mathematics.
Soria, Spain.
June 2, 2010 - Classifying polynomials of linear codes and hyperplane arrangements.
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Information Security and Related Combinatorics.
Opatija, Croatia.
March 26, 2010 - Subcode supports in matroid theory.
RISC seminar.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Invited talk.
December 9, 2009 - The Tutte polynomial and the extended weight enumerator.
EIDMA seminar.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
July 15, 2009 - Generalized weight enumerators.
Soria Summer School on Computational Mathematics.
Soria, Spain.
May 29, 2009 - The extended coset leader weight enumerator.
30th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
May 27, 2009 - Classifying polynomials of linear codes.
EIDMA/Diamant symposium in honor of Arjeh Cohen.
Heeze, The Netherlands.
May 11, 2009 - Extended and generalized weight enumerators.
International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography.
Ullensvang, Norway.
December 4, 2008 - The Tutte polynomial and the extended weight enumerator.
Seminar on Graphs and Matroids.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
November 26, 2008 - Generalized weight enumerators.
EiPSI seminar.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
International conferences and workshops
September 22-27, 2024.
Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
Heidelberg, Germany.
Selected attending alumnus.
July 15-16, 2024.
Women in Combinatorics Virtual Conference.
June 3-7, 2024.
Combinatorics 2024.
Carovigno, Italy.
April 5-6, 2024.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Member of program committee.
April 2-3, 2024.
Nederlands Mathematisch Congres.
Lunteren, The Netherlands.
March 27-28, 2024.
Dutch Days of Combinatorics.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
November 9, 2023.
Dutch Day on Optimization.
Maastricht, The Netherlands.
November 8, 2023.
Coding Theory Colloquium.
Ghent, Belgium.
July 10-14, 2023.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
April 19-21, 2023.
Workshop Combinatorics in Digital Communication.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
April 14-15, 2023.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Member of program committee.
March 6-7, 2023.
Dutch Days of Combinatorics.
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
February 15-16, 2023.
Responsible AI in the Military Domain (REAIM).
The Hague, The Netherlands.
January 18, 2023.
LNMB/NGB seminar: Fairness in Machine Learning and Operations Research.
Soesterberg, The Netherlands.
[Click to show/hide earlier international workshops and conferences]
August 28 - September 3, 2022.
Finite geometries.
Irsee, Germany.
Workshop on invitation.
August 15-19, 2022.
Applications of Computer Algebra.
Istanbul, Turkey.
June 9-10, 2022.
Workshop on AI and Mathematics -- Connecting the mathematics clusters.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
April 25-29, 2022.
Algebraic Methods in Coding Theory and Communication.
Online (BIRS).
Workshop on invitation.
April 19-22, 2022.
Nederlands Mathematisch Congres.
Utrecht, The Netherlands.
April 8-9, 2022.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Member of program committee.
September 21-22, 2021.
Cryptography and Coding Theory: First Annual Conference.
July 11-16, 2021.
Combinatorial Designs and Codes.
May 31 - June 4, 2021.
Arithmetic, Geometry, Cryptography and Coding Theory.
Online (CIRM).
Workshop on invitation.
January 29, 2021.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Member of program committee.
January 15, 2020.
LNMB/NGB seminar: Optimization for and with Machine Learning
Lunteren, The Netherlands.
January 31 - February 1, 2020.
Nationale Wiskunde Dagen.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands.
Member of program committee.
October 2, 2019.
Fontys Wiskunde Event.
Tilburg, The Netherlands.
August 26-30, 2019.
Women in Numbers Europe 3.
Rennes, France.
Workshop on invitation.
March 17-23, 2019.
Contemporary Coding Theory.
Oberwolfach, Germany.
Workshop on invitation.
March 7-8, 2019.
Codes, Cryptology and Curves: Celebrating the influence of R. Pellikaan.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
February 1-2, 2019.
Nationale Wiskunde dagen.
Veldhoven, The Netherlands.
Member of program committee.
July 8-14, 2018.
Moutons Matheux.
La Vacquerie, France.
Workshop on invitation.
June 4-8, 2018.
Combinatorics 2018.
Arco, Trento, Italy.
February 22, 2018.
PhD Seminar Mathematics.
Ghent, Belgium.
September 10-16, 2017.
Finite geometries.
Irsee, Germany.
Workshop on invitation.
July 17-21, 2017.
Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids.
Waterloo, Canada.
Workshop on invitation.
June 4-7, 2017.
13th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications.
Gaeta, Italy.
May 15-19, 2017.
Information theory and coding theory with applications to data securicy and privacy.
Institut Mittag-Leffler, Sweden.
Workshop on invitation.
February 13-14, 2017.
Hyperplane arrangements and related topics.
Sapporo, Japan.
December 19-21, 2016.
Mathematical methods and practice in cryptography, security and big data.
Sapporo, Japan.
July 25-29, 2016.
Workshop on Structure in Graphs and Matroids.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Workshop on invitation.
May 30 - June 3, 2016.
Combinatorics 2016.
Maratea, Italy.
April 4-8, 2016.
Network Coding and Designs.
Dubrovnik, Croatia.
January 24-29, 2016.
Seminar on Matroids in Algebra, Representation theory and Topology.
Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
November 4-6, 2015.
Design and Application of Random Network Codes.
Istanbul, Turkey.
August 3-7, 2015.
SIAM Conference on Applied Algebraic Geometry.
Daejeon, South-Korea.
March 25-27, 2015.
Let's Matroid! CUSO doctoral school.
Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
March 15-20, 2015.
Bad Staffelstein, Germany.
January 25-30, 2015.
Mathematics of communications: sequences, codes and designs.
Banff, Canada.
Workshop on invitation.
December 1-5, 2014.
Expanders everywhere! CUSO doctoral school.
Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
September 21-26, 2014.
Heidelberg Laureate Forum.
Heidelberg, Germany.
Selected attendent.
September 14-20, 2014.
Finite geometries.
Irsee, Germany.
Workshop on invitation.
June 16-20, 2014.
Algebra, codes and networks.
Bordeaux, France.
June 2-6, 2014.
Combinatorics 2014.
Gaeta, Italy.
January 15-18, 2014.
Joint Mathematics Meetings.
Baltimore, USA.
October 4, 2013.
Academy Contact Forum "Coding Theory and Cryptography V".
Brussels, Belgium.
September 18-20, 2013.
Conference on Random network codes and Designs over GF(q).
Ghent, Belgium.
July 22-26, 2013.
11th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications.
Magdeburg, Germany.
June 7-9, 2013.
Young Women in Discrete Mathematics.
Bonn, Germany.
March 29, 2013.
5th Colloquium on Galois Geometry.
Ghent, Belgium.
October 5, 2012.
Academy Contact Forum on Galois Geometry and Applications.
Brussels, Belgium.
June 18-21, 2012.
5th Croatian Mathematical Congress.
Rijeka, Croatia.
May 4, 2012.
3rd Colloquium on Galois Geometry.
Ghent, Belgium.
March 23-24, 2012.
Conference in honour of Dieter Jungnickel's 60th birthday.
Magdeburg, Germany.
December 2, 2011.
2nd Colloquium on Galois Geometry.
Ghent, Belgium.
July 10-23, 2011.
ACAGM Summer School.
Leuven, Belgium.
July 11-15, 2011.
10th International Conference on Finite Fields and their Applications.
Ghent, Belgium.
June 19-25, 2011.
Finite Geometries, Third Irsee Conference.
Irsee, Germany.
Workshop on invitation.
May 31 - June 3, 2011.
Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference.
Victoria, Canada.
November 25-26, 2010.
EIDMA/Diamant symposium.
Lunteren, The Netherlands.
November 18-19, 2010.
RISC/Intercity number theory seminar on Crypto, Coding and Geometry.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
July 12-16, 2010.
Soria Summer School on Computational Mathematics.
Soria, Spain.
May 31 - June 11, 2010.
NATO Advanced Study Institute on Information Security and Related Combinatorics.
Opatija, Croatia.
July 13-24, 2009.
Soria Summer School on Computational Mathematics.
Soria, Spain.
May 28-29, 2009.
30th Symposium on Information Theory in the Benelux.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
May 27-29, 2009.
EIDMA/Diamant symposium in honor of Arjeh Cohen.
Heeze, The Netherlands.
May 11-15, 2009.
International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography.
Ullensvang, Norway.
September 15-19, 2008.
Summer School on Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography.
Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
At the Netherlands Defence Academy there are no teaching assistants, although the workload for a course is sometimes divided over multiple faculty. So, teaching a course means preparing and giving lectures, problem sessions, exams, etcetera. I currently teach the following courses for bachelor students in engineering:
Linear algebra
Analysis 3
Optimization and machine learning
In the past I was also teaching
Statistics (for non-engineers)
Analysis 2
Optimization and network analysis
[Click to show/hide earlier teaching]
At the University of Neuchâtel, I was the main lecturer of several courses:
Affine and projective geometry (master Mathematics)
Matroid theory (master Mathematics)
Vector analysis (second year Mathematics)
Computer algebra (master Mathematics)
At the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, I taught three problem sessions:
Mathematics: algebra, analysis and geometry (first year Bio-engineering)
Mathematics: advanced algebra and geometry (first year Bio-engineering)
Coding theory (second year Mathematics)
As a teacher in Eindhoven, I was involved in the following courses:
Calculus (first year Architecture, Building and Planning): tutor groups
Calculus (first year Industrial Design): part of the lectures
Calculus (pre-master): problem session
Modelling (second year Mathematics): supervisor
Advanced Calculus (first year Chemical Engineering): problem session
Advanced Mathematics (first year Industrial Engineering): problem session
Linear Algebra (pre-master): problem session
While being a PhD student in Eindhoven, I taught two problem sessions:
Geometry (second year Architecture, Building and Planning)
Linear Algebra (first year Computer Science and Innovation Sciences)
(While all names are in English here, classes were in Dutch/English/French.)
More about me
I like sharing my enthusiasm for mathematics with others. Every summer I spend a week at math camp with Vierkant voor Wiskunde. I help organising the camp and writing the material. Recently our camp was featured in the national Dutch newspaper NRC. In 2018 we were on the Dutch Radio 1 and you can hear me and others talk about why we keep coming back every year.
Furthermore I am co-chair of the Problem Selection Committee of the Dutch Mathematical Olympiad.
When I was a little girl, I started playing the violin ‒ and never stopped. I try to play every day (but do not always succeed). I take lessons and I play in various ensembles and orchestras, such as De Philharmonie.
In the spare time left I try to run, in contrast to sitting behind my desk all day.