Relinde Jurrius

About me  Publications  Talks  Conferences  Teaching  Personal 

About me

Currently I work as Assistant Professor of Mathematics & Operations Research at the Netherlands Defence Academy. Its Faculty of Military Sciences provides the scientific education for officers-to-be and does research in corresponding relevant areas.

Before I was maître-assistant at the University of Neuchâtel and postdoc at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel. I did my PhD at the Eindhoven University of Technology.

My research interests are in combinatorics and discrete mathematics. Specifically, I study q-analogues and relations between various combinatorial objects such as matroids, graphs, (network) codes, and finite geometry. Furthermore, I study applications of operations research and machine learning to the military domain.

[Copyright Netherlands Defence Academy] Visiting address
Kon. Instituut voor de Marine
Enys House, kamer E 2.061
Het Nieuwe Diep 8
1781 AC Den Helder
The Netherlands

Post address
It's complicated. Please send me an e-mail.

rpmj . jurrius @ mindef . nl


Journal papers


Book chapters

Preprints (submitted for review)

Conference proceedings



Talks and presentations

International conferences and workshops


At the Netherlands Defence Academy there are no teaching assistants, although the workload for a course is sometimes divided over multiple faculty. So, teaching a course means preparing and giving lectures, problem sessions, exams, etcetera. I currently teach the following courses for bachelor students in engineering:

In the past I was also teaching

[Click to show/hide earlier teaching]

More about me

I like sharing my enthusiasm for mathematics with others. Every summer I spend a week at math camp with Vierkant voor Wiskunde. I help organising the camp and writing the material. Recently our camp was featured in the national Dutch newspaper NRC. In 2018 we were on the Dutch Radio 1 and you can hear me and others talk about why we keep coming back every year.

Furthermore I am co-chair of the Problem Selection Committee of the Dutch Mathematical Olympiad.

When I was a little girl, I started playing the violin ‒ and never stopped. I try to play every day (but do not always succeed). I take lessons and I play in various ensembles and orchestras, such as De Philharmonie.

In the spare time left I try to run, in contrast to sitting behind my desk all day.